Dry building mixtures – extremely popular and demanded building material. If you decide to purchase this material for external or interior decoration, you may be useful to you these some tips.
We will initially decide on which dry construction mixtures are used and what is the mechanism of their action.
Any dry mixture includes – 1) binding or astringent components that are responsible for reliable adhesion between particles and the surface of the base. The most widely used gypsum and cement, which are the basis of tile glue and bulk floors. 2) fillers – designed to create a layer between particles of connecting components. Fillers improve plasticity, heat – and sound insulation of the mixture and 3) modifying additives – affecting the speed and uniformity of drying the solution, as well as the thickness of the application and the temperature regime. As a rule, these are the most expensive elements of the mixture.
The range of their use is wide – dry building mixtures are used to stick tiles, production of construction solutions, self -leveling floors. Their popularity is due to a number of advantages, among which is a short period of hardening; high adhesion; high resistance to sharp changes in the environment; stability and saturation of shade; Environmental safety.
Depending on the targeted purpose, the mixtures are divided into: general -state ones are widely used in the construction of walls and partitions in buildings; Special – used in the construction of objects subject to adverse natural conditions, for example, sharp temperature differences.
Having sorted out in short, try to highlight the based criteria for choosing a dry construction mixture in the market. There will be only three such criteria: the technological qualities of the product, its technical characteristics, and, finally, the price. Many buyers, paying their main attention to the price, completely lose sight of the qualitative indicators, which can hardly be recognized as reasonable.
The technical properties of dry shift are, first of all, the qualities of the product, such as water and frost resistance, as well as its adhesion (clutch) to materials with reduced water absorption and strength. The technological properties mean the efficiency of hardening the dry mixture, plasticity, the capacity and a number of other important qualities.
For the price, Russian dry construction mixtures will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than imported. And this price difference is not about quality – it is explained by the fact that when buying a mixture of a domestic manufacturer, you pay for a product produced from local raw materials, the price of which does not include numerous transportation costs and customs duties. When choosing a dry construction mixture, it is best to purchase it directly from the manufacturer, which will reduce the likelihood of buying a fake and spending money in vain.