You work as a welder or you just have a certain experience of handling welding machines, in which case you can easily decide on the choice of a suitable unit. Because a person who has experience should know what characteristics the apparatus has that he needs. A person who has no proper experience in this matter can be confused in front of a huge number of tools, which are a lot on the market. After all, the assortment is quite huge. To acquire the best may be an impossible task, because the choice will stand between inverters, rectifiers, as well as transformers. You can, of course, opt for an expensive proprietary model or not very expensive, which was made by the Chinese. It should be noted that on average an inverter can weigh up to 10 kilograms, a transformer 30 kg, and a rectifier of about 20 kg.
The cost of the welding machine is 2-3 times more than the rectifier and in 5- 6- transformer. The most popular and often used, of course, is considered a welding machine, or as it is called the scientific, inverter. You are wondering why you should give preference to this type of tool? Everything is very simple, because it is small and very light, it is just to use it, and it is very productive and much more. Let’s look at the strengths and weaknesses of the inverter to technological advantages can be attributed: – stability when ignition of an arc – you can brew various metals that are difficult to combine – the seam turns out to be of excellent quality – with its help the most difficult work will seem light – you can work using different types of current and various brands of electrodes – and much more.
To the disadvantages: – the unit is very afraid of dust, which is why carry out the general cleaning quite often – it is expensive – the repair can also do very expensive – do not use the device at low temperatures. So briefly we managed to tell you about how to choose the most reliable welding inverter. So now the choice is yours, purchase tools only in trusted stores or Internet sites that have been doing this for more than one year. In order to get exhaustive information about a particular unit, you can use the Internet or other media. Choose companies in which your friends once purchased this product or use the reviews about the product on the Internet resources.