In fact, tapting wallpaper is carpet wallpaper made by applying the pile to the basis. The room pasted with such wallpaper looks very unusual. Due to the fact that the pile on the surface of the wallpaper has good sound absorption, the room, pasted through tapting wallpaper, immediately acquires good sound insulation. In apartment buildings with thin walls, this quality of wallpaper is truly invaluable. In addition, carpet wallpaper acts as a beautiful thermal insulation. The corner walls pasted by them get reliable insulation. Pile of carpet wallpaper synthetic.
This determines such characteristics as wear resistance, resistance to accidental water hit, as well as fire resistance. You can paste carpet wallpaper with ordinary glue for heavy wallpapers. With all the advantages, tapting wallpaper also has serious drawbacks. They perfectly collect all the dust from the air of the room. Regular cleaning does not help, since a small amount of dust still remains in the pile. For allergy sufferers, such a wall covering is completely unsuitable. The use of modern materials makes tapting wallpaper disadvantageous, as well as resistant to various mechanical damage.