California has an extremely developed and diverse economy; if it were an independent state, it would be among the ten richest countries in the world.
Traditionally, California has developed (although not as much as in the 19th-20th centuries) mineral extraction, primarily oil. Agriculture and processing of its products not only feed the population of California, but also export most of the products. California wines are deservedly in demand. The name “Silicon Valley” has long been synonymous with the concentration of high-tech companies; it is here (as in the area of the US capital Washington and the largest metropolis of the country New York) that the most advanced research and development is carried out. Many jobs in the state have been created by the US government, including at numerous military bases, as well as thanks to military orders at industrial enterprises. California is called the “aerospace capital of America”, and laboratories and factories of many leaders in this industry operate here. It is in California that the “world capital of cinema” is located – the famous Hollywood, as well as many media companies of the United States.