For the construction of wooden houses, only modern construction technologies are used. This gives a guarantee of the quality of construction.
The activities of our company are related to the construction of wooden houses according to its individual and typical projects. The employees of our company are qualified architects who are ready to approach each client individually and design a house according to your desires. The construction of houses includes: a house from a bar, a house made of logs, from a scalded log, using frame technology, from glued timber, manual cutting, etc. D.
It has long been recognized by everyone that wood is the most healthy and suitable material for the construction of houses. To do this, they use mainly spruce, oak, pine, larch and cedar. The most valuable wood from the northern regions, where the tree grows only in the summer, t. e. Pretty slowly. The age of the tree reaches 100-150 years. Such a tree material is very durable and dense. The tree has a reddish tint and unusual silkiness. This is a great merit of wood resin, which does not allow wood to rot and makes the cold resistant. Wood is very easy to process.
Walls are built of several types of structural systems. For example, log cabins, shield, frame, from a rounded log, panel, made of profiled glued timber. Unlike a stone house, wooden is built much faster. This is one of the main advantages of wooden houses. The timing of the manufacture of stange materials for building a house made of wood is from three weeks to one and a half months. Installation and assembly of the walls of log buildings from one to one and a half months.
One of the features of a wooden house is a rather low thermal conductivity, which allows you to achieve the temperature that, when building walls from brick material, would require the walls 3 times thicker. He nurses very good ventilation. This provides a natural air change.
The chopped wooden house is distinguished by its special strength. Everyone knows that such houses can stand for about a hundred years. Wooden houses, of course, have their disadvantages. For example, they have very low fire resistance and bio resistance. But the logs are impregnated with special fireproof compounds and various antiseptics. This practice allows you to protect the tree from external influences, which will greatly increase the lifetime of the house. Natural wood has a very attractive appearance that any material will envy. The wood has its own unique texture, patterns and much more, which is unusual for the stone.