There are many wonderful materials that can be used in floor cladding in each house, but look at the floor, which for many centuries is considered the best flooring, although it has a lot of negative aspects. But parquet is a status, that is, the material is expensive, and if the parquet is used in the house, then such a house is considered status. It should be noted that if we talk about the floor and its use every day, then of course it is very capricious in many cases.
Water entering the parquet board leads to bloating the parquet, if if the technology was seriously violated during the installation of the parquet board, and there are cracks and cracks between the parquet board, then the parquet will be reduced almost the service life of the parquet in this case. We must not forget that the parquet board has a large number of positive properties. The most important property of the parquet board can be considered decorative attractiveness. As one famous satirist said, people who have a lot of money spend it on expensive paintings, the same who do not have such large money use parquet. That is, the parquet is a status phenomenon, because now you can find a lot of unique flooring, which cost less parquet, and the decorative attractiveness of which is higher, but it is the parquet board that is most often used, since if you use parquet, then the perception of living space is changing sharply, so how people perceive not only the decorative attractiveness of the parquet board, but also its cost.
Of course, everyone decides that it is installed, parquet or laminate, and maybe other floor material, but the fact remains that it is precisely the parquet board that allows you to largely give the opportunity to solve many difficulties in the house with decorative decoration of the premises, because the parquet has a magnificent design that can noticeably decorate any space. Parquet boards are made from various materials, and now there has been a fashion for special mixed types of parquet, when several types of parquet boards from various materials are used in the set, which significantly increases the decorative attractiveness of the parquet.