Everyone knows perfectly well that the best roads are abroad, so why domestic ones fail so quickly? Year, two and potholes, pits, bugrs and bumps appear on the road surface, who is to blame for this: workers, quality of materials or insufficient financing? Modern road construction is significantly different in technologies and materials from what was 10 years ago. New ge enthusiasmous materials allow you to lay the road on fluffy, loose soils, on weak grounds, in the zone of swamps and permafrosts, but, unfortunately, even such roads are quickly destroyed due to non-compliance with styling technologies.
Stages of road construction
The most important task during the new road is the study of the area, namely geological features: such as soil, surface irregularities, the presence of groundwater, hinged rocks, density of vegetation.
Road construction takes place in two stages: a base device and asphalting. The life of its operation depends on how the base of the road is laid. At this stage, they conduct:
demolition of the upper fertile soil to more solid breeds;
the formation of a flat bed for subsequent work;
Laying geotextiles;
creation of a sand pillow from 0.2 to 0.4 meters;
sealing the road with large gravel;
Sticking with small gravel;
Distribution of drainage and cuvettes.
At the first stage of construction, unscrupulous builders most often save on the number of crushed stone and the arrangement of slopes and sanitation, which in the future leads to the incompetent road surface.
The last stage of the construction of any road is the laying of asphalt, the thickness of which depends on future loads on the road. At this stage, violations very often occur, less material is used than required for the area. The asphalt is laid in two layers – the first coarse -grained and thicker, the second – thin, even, fine -grained coating that serves the face of the road.