In order for the tile laying procedure to be carried out most competently, it is necessary to correctly observe the technology of this event. In itself, it is not very complicated, but nevertheless, to obtain the best effect, it should be taken into account and act also in accordance with it. And first you should take the surface preparation.
Rubber tiles, Moscow, only in that case, will fall well on the wall if the base is intensively leveled. Therefore, first alignment of the surface and applying a plaster and putty solution is carried out on it. Further, to reduce the porosity of the base, the primer should be applied to it. Then start styling.
You can start laying tiles in different ways. In the event that you want to save the material, the first tile is placed in the corner. But then the cladding may not turn out to be too aesthetic. Another thing is to start with the center. A very beautiful facing surface will come out, but you will have to spend more material and labor.
Tile fastening is carried out on a special glue. Between neighboring elements, plastic crosses should be placed, which will provide the most identical seam thickness. If the installation of this material is carried out in the bathroom, then after the glue dries, it will be necessary to lay into seams a sealant.