It is quite simple to build a house from a profiled timber, but you need to approach construction with special responsibility. The whole process of erecting a house can be divided into two stages.
The first stage includes the manufacture of a log house and foundation, this part of the construction is called power, and the second stage of construction includes all other works.
The first stage begins with the installation of the foundation, a log house is installed on it, and already at this stage of construction you can make a constant roof, but in some situations it is better to make temporary, it all depends on the time of year. The construction of houses from a profiled timber at the first stage most often ends with laying a temporary roof, but if the design of the roof is simple, then the roof can be made constant.
Between the first and second stages of construction should be held no for six months. It is very good if this period is for the winter: under the weight of the snow, a natural shrinkage of the house will occur, in addition, the wood of the log house will dry.
During the second stage of construction, doors and windows are installed, engineering networks and communications are installed, the second stage, as a rule, ends with finishing work.