Putty is one of the most frequently used materials, they are used in the color of the walls, during the repair of the parquet and in many other cases. This material is simply indispensable, and its use requires compliance with special technology. Although not only the technology of the one lives a good result of putty, because you still need to listen to the advice of experienced masters, as well as pay attention to some nuances.
As already mentioned, putty can be used in many cases, and each of them has its own interesting points. So if it is planned to put a gap in the parquet floor, then you need a special wood putty, but if you need puttying of plastering walls, then the finished putty will be required. By the way, it is the finish putty that is the most popular type of material. For sale, it is provided in a powder state. In order to prepare it, you need clean water, a bucket and a spatula. Stir it to the middle consistency.
Of course, before applying putty, the walls should be plastered and perfectly dropped. It is applied by a spatula with single movements. When the putty is applied to the entire surface of the walls or ceiling, it needs to be allowed to dry, and then begin to grind the surface, using a special plaster grater. The result should be a perfectly flat white surface.
In addition to construction putty, there are compositions that are used in car repair. Simply put metal plasters, which are provided for sale in the form of two components of the hardener and soil, these components are mixed and then the putty is ready for use. Thus, we can say that putty are both liquid and powdered, and they can be applied to almost all materials.