For high -quality grinding logs and log cabin, many experts use:
special corner grinding machine. When processing large surfaces, a grinding corner machine is used, and in the most inaccessible places the manual method of grinding is best suited;
disk or tape grinder with a small disk.
Additionally, it can be used:
Broken paper of a large fraction;
parquet-grinding machine;
vacuum cleaner;
Protection products such as glasses, gloves and respirator.
It is also worth considering that it is recommended to start grinding only after drying the log house or logs. Even after the grinding is completed, it is recommended to treat wood so that it does not affect the external environment.
Do -it -yourself grinding
For high -quality grinding of the log house, the following tools are used, namely: a grinding machine, a small -sized grinder and a 20 mm chisel for 20 mm. However, if the building is large, then you must be patient and follow the following instructions:
If the walls of the log house have a large volume, then it is best to distribute them to small areas and grind each site separately. But do not forget that if the finished polished plot is not painted, within 3-4 days, then all the work will have to be redone again, since this section can purchase a dark shade and differ significantly from other areas.
All work on the grinding of the log house is divided into two parts. For starters, grinding is performed using abrasive paper. With the help of it, a rough, first layer of the surface of the wood is processed, while the protective part of the pile is not damaged. Further, to get rid of subsequent layers, the second part of the grinding is performed, which differs from the first only the size of the paper fraction. The first part uses paper paper 40, and the second with a fraction of 100 units.
The grinder is allowed to grind only those logs that are not yet in the design of the future log house. And if the log house has already been built, then it takes some time, about a week, for its complete drying. And only then can you start the grinding process.
Before the grinding of a log of the log house, a special nozzle is installed on a typewriter for grinding . It is best that the material from which the nozzle is made is made of plastic. Experts recommend that they completely abandon the use of rubber nozzles on a machine, as it is inconvenient to carry out work, and they quickly wear out. It is also worth paying attention to the diameter of the nozzle and choosing a smaller size that differs from the size of the groove, since during further processing the nozzle can be jammed in the groove and the machine will simply fly out of hand. In this case, the receipt of production injury is not excluded.
The process of grinding logs
To begin with, the surface of the log passes the grinding process using a grinding machine or grinder. Then, having previously set the marks in poorly polished places, the logs are processed with grout and large sandpaper paper. Further, wood processing is necessary by the manual method. In this case, all hard -to -reach areas of logs are best processed with hands. After all processing, do not hesitate and it is necessary to start applying a protective coating in order to avoid the appearance of a fungus on a log.