Valuable works of art that were in the home of a connoisseur fell victim to a terrible tragedy. Unfortunately, the home that housed the masterpieces of great artists was caught in the middle of an all-consuming fire.
The flames blazed with incredible force, and in a matter of minutes the building was reduced to ashes, taking with it not only the structure of the house, but also countless treasures of cultural heritage.
“At the moment, there is only dust,” the owner of the burnt collection told the publication.
Among the many burnt works of art were works by such recognized masters as Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and Damien Hirst. These famous artists left an indelible mark on the art world, and their paintings have always been objects of close attention from collectors and connoisseurs.
The value of the lost pieces is estimated at more than several million dollars, which makes this tragedy not only an emotional loss, but also a significant financial loss.