Previously, everything was easier when it was about construction – Soviet industry delivered typical building materials and structures to new buildings. But their equipment was monotonous, the technologies used are limited. Today the market offers a huge assortment of modern building materials. Warehouses and shops are breaking from this variety, more often imported production. Many familiar and acquaintances of building materials have new properties, and this even more expanded the scope of their application. Russians present increased requirements for building materials. After all, it is often not only about the construction of premises, but also about interior decoration. After the repair, I want to finish my room like that so that it is convenient to place jewelry from gold and place it, and that they are visible at every opportunity. Therefore, when choosing building materials, their consumer properties in repair and construction are recorded, because a lot depends on them. It is important to know the technical characteristics of building materials, without which no one will develop the project, will not make an estimate and prepare other documents guaranteeing the correctness of all work.
It is even more important – to find the maximum ratio of the price and quality of building materials, to adhere to the declared deadlines for construction or repair, minimizing all expenses. Building materials that seem to us elite can afford people with an average income.