Nowadays, designers have developed all kinds of designs of drier dryers, with different design options. And until the 90s about the benefit batteries in the bathroom, few people guessed. Many simply removed them from their bathroom, as not necessary, interfering with an element. But now, everything has changed steeply, the heated towels have become a fashionable brand, decorating bathrooms in many families, despite the fact that the prices for them are simply sky -high. But the joy of such acquisitions, sometimes it did not last long. Miracle – dryers began to be covered with rust and eventually gave a leak. The end of the nineties brought a new boom in this industry and not only imported dryers, but also our manufacturers began to appear on the market. So stainless electric vehicles for towels appeared on the market. But the prices for them were very large.
Drywalls are divided into three types: water, electric and combined, and also exist U – figurative and M – figurative, dryers in the form of a ladder, snakes. In DHW systems, U – figurative and m – figurative dryers are used. They are easy to install, reliable and inexpensive. They are made of stainless or galvanized steel. There are four types of dryers with a design solution: made of non -ferrous metals, of ferrous metal with an anti -corrosion coating, stainless steel and double -circuit devices made of black metal. Large selection have a large selection of non -ferrous metals, but the service life may not be large, due to high temperatures in the DIA system. Drys for towels made of non -ferrous metal in the DHW system are not reliable. Stainless dryers, more debts in operation. They are used both in heating systems and in the hot water. The most reliable, our manufacturers of dryers, the company “Twek”, whose design is made in the form of a ladder became the most reliable. They are produced both with chrome coating and polished. Polished dryers are resistant to high temperatures, with ideal surface quality.
Double -circuit dryers have no shortcomings, such as in previous species, because one circuit is connected to the DHW system, transfers heat to the second contour, which forms a dryer tube. The product, the heat exchanger of which is located on the DHW riser, have good circulation and heat on.
To acquire a high -quality dryer, you need to know that the most strong and reliable in operation, chrome and stainless dryers are considered. Experts advise paying attention to the device called “Steel drying – radiator for the bathroom” made in the form of a ladder and designed to work at a pressure of 15 atm, water temperature up to 115 degrees. Pipes are made without a polymer coating, protected from corrosion. Imported devices can be of high quality, but not so reliable in use, because they cannot carry failures in the water supply system. The color of dryers usually happens – chrome, white, gold and combined.