California (36.8 million residents) is the richest and most populous “golden state” of the United States. It is home to approximately 80 billionaires and 660 thousand millionaires (a world record)
Los Angeles was chosen as a starting point for development, as the most visited city by tourists with three high-income districts: Beverly-Century City, Hollywood, Los Angeles City. Los Angeles Airport is the 4th busiest in the world (it should become the second in 2020). Everyone who goes to Disneyland in Anaheim or to Silicon Valley flies through Los Angeles. Many stay there for 2-3 days, which is why a significant portion of bookings are for 2-3 days.
As a guideline for obtaining maximum profitability from upper middle class customers (AMC), we take the following factors:
- Choice of objects in modern buildings/new construction
- Apartment size of at least 2 rooms with 2 bathrooms, since such apartments allow offering guests the largest number of accommodation options (from 2 to 6 guests in one apartment) + they are more marginal.
- Availability of a recreation area (garden, patio, etc.)
- Availability of developed infrastructure (restaurants, cafes, gym, swimming pool, etc.)
- Availability of at least one parking space