Polymer mastic belongs to the category of modern waterproofing. The main properties of the material are a high level of thermal insulation, elasticity on the beam, water resistance, strength of rupture, as well as resistance to corrosion and decay, which allows it to be used with various materials, such as concrete, plastic, wood, metal and other materials.
Quality characteristics and application of material
Immediately after applying to the surface, the material becomes a strong and elastic membrane that does not pass water, as well as resistant to temperature changes and the effects of natural factors. High level of adhesion to the surface is the main advantage of polymer mastic. In addition, the material can be applied even over rust, as well as in places of frequent exposure to steam. However, apply mastic without prior purification of the object from various debris, moisture and dust, then the life of mastic can be significantly reduced.
The disadvantages of the material include poor resistance to ultraviolet rays in sunlight. Therefore, after the use of polymer mastic, experts recommend treating the surface with paint or varnish. In addition, the disadvantage of the material is the high cost of building materials produced by some companies, as well as its high toxicity.
The scope of polymer mastic
The material is successfully used for waterproofing floors, walls, roofs, ceilings, as well as various structures made of concrete or brick (bathrooms, pools, cars and others). In addition, polymer mastic is often used to seal the joints of concrete structures and cracks on the roads. In the household, such a material is often used in the process of repair and laying soft roofs, as well as in anti -corrosion processing of various metal structures.
The material is easy to apply and installation. It is applied as well as ordinary paint, while in the process of application you can use spray guns or ordinary rollers. However, before applying polymer mastic, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface, since the service life of the material directly depends on the evenness of the processed surface.