Along with the sand trap, sorption filters and microfilters, the gas water processing systems also includes a gasoling of oil refineries. Its role consists in the separation of oil products of low density from all water falling into the drainage. As a rule, wastewater, contaminated not only with fats and oil products, but also dust and sand. Therefore, only a part of the oil -containing substances pops up to the surface of the water when defending. The other part turns into a mixture of water and sand, lingering in the sand. Thus, a suspension of fine dust and petroleum products that have passed through the previous treatment module gets into the benzo -capture. How quickly they separate and float to the surface of oil products depends on the diameter of the field particles, the content of surfactants, large impurities and, of course, on the density of the oil products themselves. The temperature of the wastewater plays an important role.
The main component of the benzo -captive system is special filters designed for enlargement and separation of particles of oil products. Each coalescent filter has a cassette with embossed plates. Wastewater, passing through such a filter, fall into the cassette, where they are in contact with the surface of the plates made of hydrophobic material. At the same time, oil products are besieged on it, and then, due to their low density, they rise to the surface, where they accumulate.
After that, particles of petroleum products go to the open -porous filter, which outlines them most. The remaining dispersed impurities after gross filtration come to the input of the sorption filter.
This technology allows benzo-capturing systems to work as quickly as possible, stably and effectively, purifying water from 80-90% of oil products. Having installed a gaslite at the enterprise or, if necessary, a fat manner, you can save significant funds for the repair and cleaning of sewer systems. In addition, the use of modern models of gasoline and fat filters is the key to environmental friendliness in the work of any enterprise.