The ceiling in the room is always the most prominent and striking place. Therefore, its repairs and design should be paid to special attention and skill. You can do this yourself with the help of the rest of your family.
First of all, you should remove and clean the entire web and dust from the ceiling, using a vacuum cleaner. Then remove the entire old plaster or wallpaper from the ceiling. Then thoroughly put the ceiling in order. This consists in thoroughly impeating on it all errors and irregularities that will interfere with you in the future repairs. You can make such minor repairs a cement mortar or ordinary white plaster. Now let the ceiling dry a little and then you can start glue it.
In detail, professionally and in a short time, make the installation of the ceiling in the room with your own hands, you can find and read on other sites on the Internet. Also, if you need to rent housing, then the site has rental apartments in Krasnoyarsk for different times, in the area you need for a comfortable and comfortable residence. Here you will be offered renting apartments of various areas at special and profitable prices online.
To do this, you should purchase special wallpapers for the ceiling in the construction supermarket, which differ in their strength and design. It is best to glue wallpaper on a comfortable table or stepladder. First you need to measure the first tape of the wallpaper, and then carefully cover it with glue for wallpaper and start applying to the main place on the ceiling. Do not forget to apply glue on the ceiling itself so that the wallpaper on it is well fixed and stick.