First you should figure out why the fence is needed, and what it should be. Any fence is, first of all, a functional structure. Construction facilities dictate in the future the type and height of the fence. What functions are we talking about? – security, aesthetic and dividing.
Security – it is necessary to take into account the reliability and height of the material, in other words, we ensure the practicality of the fence based on the functional meaning of the building. Before starting construction, you should definitely visit the website Leskarelii. . ua and choose lumber there.
Aesthetic – fence – business card of the object.
Dividing – separates the plot from the common area, or divides the personal site in functional destination zones.
Structure: The fence consists of two elements: a crate and a supporting element. Bearing elements are the basis for installing the crate. The stability of the future fence depends on them. Running elements are considered to be pillars, aluminum veins, or any type of frame.
Types of pillars: wooden-for such columns, you should choose a tree that, at least more or less resistant to changes in the weather. Such pillars should be made from a beam, or decks.
Pillage bottom, treat with antiseptics. Then they will die and burned. Before installation, to ensure internal waterproofing of the material, we wrap it with roofing material.
We cut the upper end at an angle so that the moisture does not accumulate.
Pillars of alphabet or metal pipes. They are much more practical and durable than wooden, but voids should be filled with cement mortar, since moisture will be collected in these voids, from the middle, frozen water will crush the poles. Close on top with tarry wooden traffic jams. In this case, the lags require a more powerful fastening. They can be attached to brackets and clamps.
Reinforced concrete pillars. They are divided into factory and their own production.
Brick and missile. Pillars on which you plan to strengthen the gate, be sure to strengthen with steel reinforcement. As a reinforcing material, it will be enough to use a reinforcing grid.
Stone or brick pillars are laid out in 1, 5 brick on the foundation.
When choosing a crate, the bearing capacity of the base should be taken into account – bearing elements: pillars, livestocks, or frames. Respectively selected materials and the method of fastening.
Types of chatter: wooden, from corrugated board, from a grid or rabits, reinforced concrete, etc. D.