Each of us secretly hopes to build our own country house, which will become not only the subject of pride, but also the source of true joy from communicating with nature. Someone is decided to buy a ready-made cottage, but there were also those who do not want to move to a strange house and start the construction process on their own. One of the most popular options for steel at home from a rounded log – due to the excellent performance of the material.
Houses from the galled timber are associated with a high level of technological construction, after construction you will need a minimum of funds for the finish. In addition, the log house is one of the most environmentally friendly materials, it holds heat perfectly and fits completely in the ratio of “acceptable price – quality”.
Not being professionals, we will understand the stages of preparatory and basic works related to the construction of such popular houses now. First of all, if necessary, the specialists of the company you have chosen will conduct a topographic shooting necessary for sites with a complex landscape.
Then – the design stage, after which the development of the master plan and geological work will follow. It is very important to lay the foundation, as well as – of course! – production of the wall set and assembly of the structure.
Many are wondering what the advantages of buildings from timber over analogues? Firstly, natural thermoregulation is created in the premises, thanks to which you will significantly save on the purchase of air conditioners and other similar devices.
Wood is the best material for building a house, since it constantly “breathes”, providing natural air exchange. And thirdly, many companies associated with the construction of houses from the gallected beam offer phased construction, so you can optimally plan the budget.
The advantages of houses from the material we are talking about are obvious! It remains to choose the appropriate company, develop a cottage project, have patience and wait for the completion of construction work!