Ways to work on laying the foundation of stone pipes and protecting it from bulging the same as for the foundations of bridges.
The finished stone pipes are falling asleep before the onset of frosts, and the backfill of the pipes should be done with dry, non -bonded soil.
When the base of the pipe in a layer in a water -permeable soil with a large influx of groundwater from the side, it is necessary to surround the pipe foundation with a ring drainage with the release of drainage water outside the pipe to avoid filling the pipe from the breakthrough of groundwater through the seams between the seams between the individual rings. The drainage must be arranged so that the access of water under the foundation of the pipe is eliminated.
The device of bases and foundations for buildings is cold and heated to normal temperature of the dwelling.
The presence of permafrost affects not only the choice of the type of foundation, but also the very design of the buildings. If a layer of permafrost is insignificant or the latter lies with nests, then the designed buildings are built on permafrost in compliance with normal technical conditions, but so that measures are taken to destroy the most eternal permafrost.
In order to destroy permafrost in such cases, the following events are recommended:
1) the area of the building must be drained in advance at least, as one year before the construction;
2) the production of excavation for the digging pits and ditches for the foundations of the buildings should be preceded by: cleaning of peat and blast cover and the removal of surface and groundwater;
3) a deep drainage and the aboveground removal of atmospheric and groundwater should be made around the building;
4) the nests of permafrost or the thin layers under the building should be covered with melt soil;
5) the soil of the soil of the sun should be carried out or directly or by laying the warmed deep wells and pits;
6) The foundations of buildings are laid below the maximum winter freezing of the soil with the adoption of measures against swelling by sprinkling them with dry sand, slag or pebbles to the depth of winter freezing.