When planning the construction of your own home, pay special attention to the choice of building materials. The house will stand for many years only if building materials are strong, reliable and high -quality. Experienced builders advise not to experiment with new unverified materials that constantly appear in the building materials market.
The material that is most suitable for building a house is a brick. Note that at present, several varieties of brick are especially popular. At the heart, traditional bricks are burned clay, so such a brick is called ceramic. By color, ceramic brick is most often red or yellow (less often there are other colors and shades). Red brick in Krasnodar can be purchased at favorable prices.
We draw your attention to the fact that the main component of silicate brick is sand. Silicate brick has greater strength and frost resistance than ceramic brick. However, there is a big minus: silicate brick does not tolerate moisture and dampness, so you should not lay silicate brick in the foundation of the house.
The most modern type of brick is a hyperpressed brick. This building material has very good operational characteristics. The main drawback of hyperpressed brick is its high cost.
Brick is one of the most durable, reliable and environmentally friendly materials. In addition, brick has been used for a long time to build residential buildings. Using the brick as the main building material, you can realize the most daring architectural ideas. A brick house will have a solid and monumental look, and also fulfill its purpose for several decades.