To cover construction facilities, city and rural streets, road tracks and many other things, today there are many types of lampposts that have different configuration and size, from the simplest to elite. Lighting pillars can be ordinary concrete supports, can be made of metal, can have a wide or highly specialized, as well as a decorative purpose.
Encouraged species include pillars for video surveillance cameras, lightning rods and flagpoles. Lighting pillars set along the main routes increase visibility in the dark, their lighting helps to avoid accidents, as it creates optimal conditions for the flow of numerous cars.
Decorative lampposts, not only perform the functions of lighting streets, but also give a unique, recognizable appearance of boulevards, alleys and squares. Also, with their help, original light effects are created, for which they use pillars with horns, where you can place the right number of lamps.
Modern lampposts, as a rule, are made of metals such as steel, aluminum or composite materials, for example, glass -fins. These are extremely strong, durable and reliable materials, which in our time are used everywhere for the construction of various industrial and residential buildings, as well as transport and hydraulic structures and other structures.
Products made of alloys distinguishes a long service life, despite the adverse conditions in which they stay for so long. Requirements of reasonable economy and the awareness of the fact that the stingy pays twice, encourages authorities of all levels, change old wooden or morally obsolete concrete lampposts, on lighting pillars made of materials resistant to wear.