In order to improve the temperature regime in a house made of brick and protect its walls from the negative effects of the atmosphere, they perform brick cladding. When calculating the necessary facing material, it is necessary to adhere to the proportion: 1 m2 – 55 bricks.
The basis of the cladding is the foundation. Often in facing work they use red brick. The process of building a building begins with the execution of the foundation marking. Its thickness should be at least 12 cm, and the distance to the cladding-somewhere 2-3 cm. It is also necessary to make a ledge for the base if some architectural ledges were provided for the house of the house. As a result, it turns out that the width of the foundation should be 25-30 cm. When repairing and lining the house, do not forget about work. By the way, if it is required to receive SRO admission in Voronezh to any work, you can contact the services of professionals of a specialized company.
Starting to facing work, the first row should be laid dry from bricks. In this case, you need to take into account all the protrusions and openings. This is carried out in order to accurately calculate the number of bricks. Using silicate brick, it is worth remembering that each new masonry should be closed by insulating material.
This building material does not absorb moisture at all, which leads to washing the solution from the masonry seams. If there are no jumpers made of concrete, then in the openings it is better to perform them from a solution of cement. To make the jumpers invisible, it is worth using steel reinforcement. It needs to be invested in all rows to the cornice.